I recently had a conversation with the Headmaster for Harbor School/Carpe Diem. Teri Rutledge is a lovely woman, and we find it easy to talk with one another.
One thing in our conversation that we both echoed each other in saying is that we all love kids. We want kids to feel safe at school, to know they are loved, and to have a wonderful school year.
Less than a day later, I spoke with one of the volunteers preparing food for the IFCH meal. Again, we echoed each other’s thoughts. We love our diners and want them to feel safe, to be fed, to know they matter and they are loved.
One thing that you and I share with all building users is that we all want human beings to know how they matter, to flourish in doing good in the world and to claim their sacred worth. And I think that’s something we need to recognize as a binding tie.
Over the summer, we have talked at different times about doing love in the world. Our church sign reflected that conversation when we put “Love is a verb” on it. Love IS a verb, and we are called to do love. Jesus DID love.
You will find on the bulletin board in the East Room a new shared space opportunity during September. It simply says in hearts: “Doing Love.” There are instructions for what to do. If you see someone doing love, tell about it.
Write it down on one of the hearts and pin it to the board. After I set it up this week, IFCH diners got right to work, naming where they see love being done. It’s a space that I hope all the people who come into VPC for any event or group will notice and share in.
You and I are called, as Christians, to be like Jesus. We are called to do love. And we are called to name love when we see it. Together, with all those who find a home at VPC, let’s tell about love!
Grace and Peace,