Love and Lent: A Season of Grace
Pastor Leigh reminds us that love, both human and divine, is a gift that calls us to grace, sacrifice, and kindness.
Pastor Leigh reminds us that love, both human and divine, is a gift that calls us to grace, sacrifice, and kindness.
Pastor Leigh encourages us to listen, learn, and observe this new year.
Pastor Leigh encourages us to resist temptation by practicing patience and waiting this holiday season in preparation for Advent.
Pastor Leigh discusses embracing faith in fragile moments and trusting God’s presence to steady us through every season of life.
Pastor Leigh expresses her gratitude for Vashon Presbyterian Church’s strength in togetherness. Our community’s love is her guide.
We are so lucky to have a community filled with love. Pastor Leigh reflects on this year’s festival and invites continued hospitality.
Summer on Vashon is a special time filled with festivities and togetherness. Pastor Leigh invites us to embrace this time, one another, and our community.
Bridges are essential in many forms of human nature, especially in connecting one another. Pastor Leigh discusses the bridges we’re called to build.
Recently inspired by stories shared over tea, Pastor Leigh invites the community to a storytelling event focused on grace and deep listening.
Pastor Leigh reflects on the joys of Easter Sunday and addresses the question, “Now what?” We find the answers and our callings in Eastertide.
A wonderful reminder for us to live with resurrection wonder daily, not just on one Sunday each year. Plus, learn how Easter’s date is determined each year.
Pastor Leigh shares how Valentine’s Day and its start to Lenten Season reminds us to see and offer glimpses of love as glimpses of Jesus.
To experience the fullness of God’s love in our lives, we need to be All In with God. What trusting moments might we experience in the coming year, together and individually? And what might it look like if we go where we are called and just trust God to catch us?
As I prepare for this season, I offer you what’s most on my heart this Advent and what is important for me to practice as I lean into the liminal space of holy waiting.
Human beings go through life carrying stories. Some we share, some we keep close to us, but many stay with us all our lives. And when we share, we just want hear someone say, “I’m sorry; that must have been so hard.”
Although The Seattle Times calls this time of year “The Great Dark,” I see the return of Fall as a time of cozy nights by the fireplace.
As Christians, we are called to be like Jesus—we are called to do love. And we are called to name love when we see it. So please join me in our new Doing Love project!
Watching the busy bees on the butterfly bush outside my office makes me realize that to encourage growth, we must pollinate the world with goodness and kindness.
Summer gatherings are in full swing! Let us sit together, sip mint tea — some from the leaves of a mint plant I brought here 30 years ago — and share stories of our journeys.
Pentecost, this season we are now entering, is not just something that happened long ago, but something into which we are invited today. Will we allow the Spirit to ignite us to listen and to speak?
As we gravitate outside, eager to soak up some natural Vitamin D, I pray that you experience the blossoms of this spring and summer, both in the physical season and in your own hearts.
Holy Week is so much to take in, and I find it is best to lean in and simply feel. Remember, Jesus felt every moment of it.
My son pointed out to me the bluebirds living in a tree across the street from my house, bluebirds that I had never noticed! In the busy nature of life, what else am I missing?