Missing the Bluebirds, a blog by Pastor Leigh at Vashon Presbyterian Church

My son was visiting with me the other day and said, “I love those bluebirds that live in that tree. It makes it such a happy tree.” As we started talking about his statement, he shared that the tree across from my house has always had bluebirds like those, ever since he could remember. I went over to the window to look. Bluebirds! Several of them were flitting around the tree, clearly claiming it as their home.

After all these years, how did I not know that the tree across the street was a bluebird haven? What a gift it was to me to see what Eric was seeing — what Eric HAD been seeing for a very long time. He’s almost 27.

As Eric drove out of the driveway to head home, I found myself looking at the bluebirds. Now I really see them. They’re extraordinary!

What else am I not seeing? In the busy nature of life, what might I be missing? And what is someone else seeing?

It reminded me of why community is important and why God didn’t create us to be completely alone. Just like Eric’s eyes noticed something I missed, we each have a lens that allows us to pay attention and tell about what we see.

Perhaps one of the disciplines we might practice during Lent is to pay attention and then tell about what we see. Where do you see goodness? Where do you see mercy? Where do you see need? God gives each of us eyes to see and ears to hear and puts us in community to share that with one another.

Together, we get a bigger picture of the world around us, of our call as God’s children and of how we might love the world a little better.

I live across the street from such a happy tree. I sure am glad my son helped me see it. I wonder what all we might see if we look together.

Grace and Peace,
