The Words of Our Community
At our September Theology Pub discussion, we shared what being a part of a faith community means to each of us. I was struck by the level of comfort we naturally find together. I heard words like “safe,” “honest,” and “real.”
I also heard a thirst to share our stories of where and how God has been at work in our lives and the lives of our church family.
Strength in Togetherness
It had been a hard day for me. My own personal family is struggling with the continuing struggles of my dad and his cancer journey. By the time I got to Theology Pub, I had cried off my makeup not once but twice.
Years ago, I might have made excuses and gone home early, but safe, honest, and real are what I’ve also experienced in your midst. So, I stayed, and I shared, and it made a difference.
We’re all human!
We all want to be polished in this life our ours. We all want to look our best and present like we have it all together, but the simple fact is that no one has it together all the time.
That is exactly why I believe God created us to be in a community and why I think how we take care of our community matters greatly.
You matter exactly as you are!
Vashon Presbyterian Church is a small but mighty group of folks. We do a lot. People in the community often comment on how much we do.
I don’t think we should stop doing those things, but I also want you to know that what you DO is far less important than who you are and how you matter.
I hope you feel safe. I hope you can be honest, and I hope you can be real here.
Sharing our journeys
God wants us to share our life journey together to stand in witness to those tender moments and draw strength from how others have gotten through their hard days, too.
When Jesus sent the disciples out to share his message and love with others, he sent them out in pairs. He didn’t send them out alone. He knew that being a disciple didn’t mean life would always be easy or simple.
And I suspect he knew that together they could carry the load of life more than either of them could as individuals.
United in Witness to God’s Love
So, my friends, I encourage you to show up. Come to worship, come to Theology Pub, pop onto a Zoom meeting, drop by the office, call one another, call me.
Show up for yourselves and for each other. Know that God didn’t create you to be alone. Together, let us all stand in witness to what God might be doing in our midst.
I personally know that I experienced the love of God, sitting in a brewpub, surrounded by fellow believers, on a pretty hard day, and when I drove home my prayers were of gratitude.
And, as always, I am here for you and with you.
Grace and Peace,