Finding our Callings in Eastertide, a blog by Pastor Leigh at Vashon Presbyterian Church

As I am writing this, I am reflecting on the wonderful job Vashon Presbyterian Church did hosting so many visitors on Easter Sunday. One person said to me, “This was delightful; the congregation is so friendly.” So often as a pastor, I get to listen to the stories of how churches have wounded people. At VPC, there is definitely a sweet spirit in the air.

In this season of Eastertide, you might be asking, “Now what?” We stayed with the story of Jesus’ life to the point of his death and resurrection. So, now what?

Over the next couple of months, as we look at the book of Acts, we’ll be reflecting on that very question. What were the disciples called to do? What are we called to do today?

The answer to those questions is found in the Gospel we’ve been studying for a while now. “Go back to Galilee.” Go back to where Jesus did his work. Be with the people Jesus helped. Stand with those with whom Jesus stood. Love in the ways Jesus loved.

As we move through the next few months, I encourage you to try one new thing you haven’t tried before. Try out Text Study on Tuesdays, check out Theology Pub, come to Book Club, volunteer to usher or set up Communion, or serve a meal with IFCH. Try one new thing and see where you might be being called.

I’d also like to invite you into a larger conversation about new things VPC might try. These are the conversations I hope will take place over late spring and summer gatherings. Would you be willing to host one? Would you go to one?

Eastertide is the season of answering the “now what” questions, and I’m grateful to be in conversation with you as we do just that.

Grace and Peace,
