Listen, Learn, and Observe, a blog by Pastor Leigh at Vashon Presbyterian Church

New Year, New Perspectives

As someone who grew up in the Eastern Time Zone, I just assumed the new
year came as soon as the ball dropped in New York City. So, in 1993, when I
realized that just because it was midnight in NYC didn’t mean it was midnight
in my new home in Seattle, I realized that the ball drop in Times Square wasn’t
the final word on ushering in the new year.

Adapting to Unfamiliar Rhythms

Naturally, I understood the time zones across the country, but I didn’t have to think about them too much because I lived in the one with both the largest city and as well as the nation’s capital. I also never expected to cast my ballot for a presidential election late in the day and realize that it was basically already determined before our polls here ever closed. I observed a lot of new things about this place that I now call home.

Considering the Differences of Others

One of my hopes for us as a congregation and community this year is that we learn to observe and continue to widen our lens about what others might be feeling or what their stories might have taught them was true or perhaps what we assume everyone else knows.

Opening our Hearts to New Perspectives

While we can never fully stand in the shoes of another, we can listen and learn and observe. How scary might it be for someone to walk inside of a church if part of their story was being hurt by a church? What might it feel like not to know how liturgies flow and when to sit or stand or even how to find passages in the Bible? What might it feel
like if you don’t even have a concept of what church is or why people gather there?

Learning to Accept Others

Part of our call to the community around us is making space for others whose stories are different from ours. God calls these people God’s children. They are our siblings. VPC is very gifted at the art of welcoming and making space and my prayer is that we continue to lean into wide-open doors and arms and hearts. My prayer is that we do our very best this year to remember that many things we take for granted might feel very new or even scary to others.

Starting the Year with Love and Kindness

As we begin a new year together, let us remember to lead with love. Let us remember to lead with kindness. Let us remember to welcome everyone. We cannot know what this year holds for us, but we know who hold us through it.
And may we all be reflections of the grace we have received.

Grace and Peace,
